Home The Science of Service The science of creating healthier and more sustainable spaces

The science of creating healthier and more sustainable spaces

In our Cleaning and Hygiene Centre of Excellence, you’ll see first hand how we are combining innovation and intelligence to deliver customer solutions with impact.

Mitie is one of the largest specialist cleaning providers in the UK, with 20,000+ colleagues covering every corner of the country. Our highly-trained and technology-enabled specialist cleaning teams are at the heart of our promise of delivering the exceptional, every day.

Using cutting edge technologies to assure the highest rates of disinfection and sanitisation, we ensure our cleaning operatives are more efficient and effective – guided by real-time insights, while reducing waste and optimising service delivery.

There’s a science in keeping your colleagues, customers and patients safe, and with a visit to our Cleaning and Hygiene Centre of Excellence, you’ll see first hand how we are combining innovation and intelligence to deliver customer solutions with impact.

How Mitie helped a large hospital to minimise patient infections, boosting cleaning scores to over 99% with a 48% reduction in cleaning time

Our client required optimum levels of cleanliness with focus on patient health and wellbeing, and improved sustainability.

  • 99%+ cleanliness scores
  • Robotic cleaning solutions with 48% reduction in cleaning time
  • Kimberly-Clark Golden Service Awards finalist

The 304-bed district general hospital provides a wide range of specialist medical services including: A&E; general surgery; ear, nose and throat; ophthalmology; orthopaedics; urology; breast surgery; maternity; gynaecology; children’s services and vascular services.

To minimise hospital infections, Mitie worked with the Trust’s Infection Prevention and Control team to improve processes and to identify and implement innovative technology. Despite the pressures and challenges of a hospital environment, the client expected continuous performance and sustainability improvements.

Mitie’s Science of Service® approach combines technology and data to offer improved delivery at reduced cost. The client recognised that Mitie’s bespoke solutions would provide optimum levels of cleanliness and safety, benefitting employees and patients alike. The client’s sustainability performance would also benefit from reduced energy and water usage.

A robotic scrubber drier, location-based inspection assurance system and bespoke auditing software

Mitie implemented a range of solutions to transform cleaning at the hospital. The TASKI SwingoBot 2000 robotic scrubber drier works independently alongside dedicated operatives, who are freed up to focus on other areas. Sensors provide a 360-degree view, enabling the robot to operate safely while delivering both sustainability and efficiency benefits, including a reduction in energy and water usage, as well as 48% reduction in cleaning time.

A location-based inspection assurance system issues a digital time and location stamp that records supervisor checks. This reporting functionality gives the hospital Trust complete visibility of compliance. In addition, bespoke auditing software conducts 40 joint audits each month, the results of which are independently validated by the compliance manager.

With consistent NHS National Cleaning Specification scores of 99%+, the site is well above the UK national average for hospital cleanliness, while the annual Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) audit process also produces high scores. Work with the Trust goes from strength to strength. In Mitie’s recent NPS survey the client returned a high ‘Promoter’ score. One respondent, who awarded a perfect 10, said: “Mitie do an excellent job and are always willing to help. Their standard of cleaning is excellent.”

By applying the right innovation and intelligence, Mitie has delivered cost savings, supporting more focused spending and achieving results well above target. In 2020, the account reached the finals of the highly-regarded Kimberly-Clark Golden Service Awards.

Visit our Cleaning & Hygiene Centre of Excellence

At our Centre of Excellence in Birmingham, we test the latest cleaning products, technologies and processes. Visitors are welcome to come and experience this unique facility, designed to bring the science of cleaning to life.

Learn more

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